• What is company culture?
  • 6 reasons why company culture is so important
  • Conclusion

Company culture has always been important, but the discussion around it has grown massively in the last 10+ years. If your organisation is still wondering how important a positive workplace culture is, then you’re going to get left behind and lose out on some of the country’s top talent.

All across the housing sector, we have witnessed a skills shortage in recent years, so ensuring we attract the right talent to the profession is essential. At ROCC, we are committed to providing our employees with a positive working environment and pride ourselves on our company culture. That’s why we have put this helpful guide together to discuss why company culture is so important and provide examples of how we do things at ROCC.

What is company culture?

Company culture for a long time was just a buzzword and something that was a box-ticking exercise, with very little desire by companies to actually do something about it and implement changes. However, organisations have to adapt and evolve alongside the demands of a modern working environment.

There is no literal definition of what company culture is and the way it is managed will depend on that particular organisation. At ROCC, we like to give our employees a voice and ensure they always feel part of the conversation and play an integral role in driving the business forward. Our goal is to create a high-performing workforce that feels valued and supported in their day-to-day roles. In our opinion, company culture should be the beating heart of a business.

Peter Luck, Business Operations Director at ROCC

Peter Luck, Business Operations Director, ROCC, describes ROCC’s company culture as: “The soul of our business. It’s all about trust and respect, empowering our staff and giving them the confidence to collaborate and grow in a meaningful way.

“By creating an open, honest working environment from the top down, we are able to thrive as a team, deliver for our customers and enable business growth.”

So, let’s take a look at why company culture is important.

6 reasons why company culture is so important

Now you know a little more about what company culture is, let’s take a look at why company culture is important with these helpful explanations and examples.

1. Defines your company’s identity and shapes core values

Company culture contributes to your business’ identity and values. It defines for both yourselves and your customers how you do business, how the team responds to clients and how they work together as a unit. It represents how you do business, so will therefore feed into every aspect of the company.

The bottom line is, if you treat your employees well and with the respect they deserve, then customers will see you as a company they want to be associated with.

The ROCC way:

At ROCC, we really value the importance of how we are perceived by our customers and pride ourselves on our reputation. This all starts with how we treat our staff, who in turn use that positive mindset to support our clients through our set of company values.

Peter Luck believes: “Our high levels of performance is a result of our culture. We have a dedicated group at ROCC that invests huge amounts of time and energy into succeeding as a business. We always like to encourage an open, honest and importantly fun way of working together. We are humans after all, not simply resources to get jobs done.”

2. Increases employee engagement and positivity

If your company culture is strong and staff are treated correctly, then they are likely to be more passionate about their work and motivated to help the business succeed. In a study by Quantum Workplace, 66% of people believe that good company culture positively impacts their work everyday. Good workplace culture gives employees the incentive to perform and will thereby improve their engagement.

Once you’ve achieved this at your company, it’s likely your employees will also turn into advocates – actively promoting your team’s successes externally.

The ROCC way:

Our people make us who we are and in this fast-moving, high-tech world, all our staff have a role to play when it comes to shaping the business. We try to involve our employees as much as possible, so they can really rally behind the company and buy into what we are trying to achieve.

“We are committed to achieving excellence in everything we do and this starts with our amazing team. 100% of new clients onboarded stay with ROCC for at least 7 years, many have been with us for over 10 years and we even have a few clients who have consistently refreshed their technology with us and have been our partners for over 20 years. It’s our team and our culture that make these impressive client retention statistics possible.” says Peter Luck.

3. Reduces staff turnover and promotes stability

A study by Flexjobs found that 62% of workers are likely to quit their job because of toxic company culture. This startling statistic shows just how important company culture is for employees, so by taking it for granted you run the risk of losing staff and creating a bad reputation. This in turn will create serious instability for the business and will hinder any form of growth. Weak workplace culture will force staff to look elsewhere.

The ROCC way:

We are proud that staff turnover at ROCC is low and it’s one of our main missions to keep our staff happy and allow them to flourish. Although we have continued to expand over the years we maintain a small team focus and this allows our employees to grow with the business and constantly develop.

Matt Watts, Head of Customer Success at ROCC

Matt Watts, Head of Customer Success, ROCC, thinks: “There is a real family feel to the team at ROCC. Every customer is extremely important to us, so our experience and longevity as a team really contribute to being able to consistently deliver. Staff satisfaction has always been positive during my time at the company.”

4. Enhances recruitment to attract top talent

94% of entrepreneurs and 88% of job seekers say that a healthy culture at work is vital for success, according to TeamStage. So, quite frankly, if your company culture isn’t up to scratch, then you can say goodbye to attracting top industry talent. If you have a negative culture at work then this is something you won’t be able to hide from job seekers.

A positive company culture leaves a lasting impression on job seekers, so it’s important you’re able to demonstrate this and showcase how passionate your employees are about the work they do.

The ROCC way:

We are always thinking about how we are perceived by job seekers and people external to the business. By getting the culture right at ROCC, we should be able to accommodate job seekers’ professional and personal needs, be able to integrate them into the company and allow them to progress alongside the business.

Peter Luck adds: “We are well aware at ROCC that finding the best staff for our business starts with company culture. Not just in terms of creating a good impression for possible recruits, but also ensuring that the individual is a right fit for us and really embraces what we are about. The sector we are in is incredibly competitive, so we can’t afford to miss out on the bright talent coming through.”

5. Able to retain your best staff and focus on staff wellbeing

Not only is attracting top talent important, but retaining your best employees is also essential. It goes without saying that if staff feel valued and part of the ‘family’, then they are more likely to stay loyal to the company. Don’t treat your staff like robots, encourage professional development and allow them to have a voice.

A vital part of this is staff well-being, as company culture has a direct impact on how your staff feels. If you don’t look after your employees and take their mental health seriously, then you can’t be surprised when they walk out the door and into the arms of one of your competitors.

Poor mental health can also impact productivity for one in five employees, according to Champion Health.

The ROCC way:

The well-being of our employees is incredibly important to us at ROCC and mental health is something we take very seriously. We want our staff to feel like they’re able to talk to us about anything and that we have the processes in place to be able to support them. This is one of the many reasons why our staff retention rates are excellent.

Peter Luck believes: “As far as I am concerned, holding on to our top-performing staff members is even more crucial than getting the recruitment right. It goes without saying that an important part of retention is employee welfare, so as a company we always ensure we are there to support our colleagues in times of need.”

6. Increases productivity and promotes better teamwork

A big part of increasing productivity and encouraging teamwork is ensuring that you cater to the individual needs of your employees. Everyone is different, so a one-size-fits-all approach will quite simply not work. Make sure the needs of your staff align with your company’s goals, as satisfied employees will lead to greater productivity. 77% of workers believe that company culture influences much of their job performance and allows them to do their best work.

Positive company culture can allow collaboration between employees to thrive, helping to break down silos and improve overall workflow. The way you behave as a company sets the tone for how you function as a team.

The ROCC way:

At ROCC, we have created a successful company culture that brings people together. This has allowed us to assemble a high-performing team that is able to deliver for our customers.

Matt Watts thinks: “The team at ROCC is incredibly strong and tight. We work and support each other whenever possible so that we can thrive as a unit and also be the very best version of ourselves for our customers. We try to have a laugh where we can and make work fun, which means we are always able to pull together when things don’t necessarily go according to plan.”


So, there you have it, hopefully this helpful explainer has demonstrated why company culture is so important and backed those reasons up with real-life examples from how we do things at ROCC. Our people are at the core of what we do, so if you like the sound of our approach to company culture, why not get in touch with us today.

We recognise that the difference between ROCC and its competitors is our great people and that’s why we are always looking for highly skilled and motivated individuals to join our team.


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