At ROCC, we specialise in providing proven, comprehensive and configurable IT housing systems and solutions that enable excellence within your business. A big part of our business offering is to streamline the number of systems you rely on at your organisation. Whether you’re a housing association or local council, we believe that you can benefit from ROCC’s streamlined consolidated systems approach.

Not only does this allow us to enhance the quality of our client’s lives, but by adopting this strategy it can also improve the lives of our customers’ users. In this article, we are going to take a closer look at why having multiple systems causes issues and explore exactly what ROCC offers as an alternative.

Why does having a lot of systems cause an issue?

In general, relying on too many systems can cause some real headaches for organisations, and the housing sector is certainly no different. That’s why we favour our consolidated systems approach, so you can make your operation as efficient as possible.

Let’s explore some of the issues you may face in more detail.

●      Additional costs

One of the main negatives of having too many systems is the additional costs. Relying on multiple systems from various suppliers can cost a lot of money compared to having a single supplier. Why be charged a premium by each supplier when you can get all, or most, of the same services under the umbrella of one company?


●      Reduces functionality and features

When you’re relying on too many suppliers, there’s a good chance that you’re not getting the best out of what they have to offer. However, this is something you’ll need to balance, as it’s practically impossible to have one single system or one single supplier to give housing associations everything they need. If this were the case, then you would be significantly reducing functionality and features and providing a worse service. As a result, you may need more staff, which will ultimately lead to higher costs.


●       Too many suppliers

As we have already mentioned, having lots of systems also means lots of suppliers. Having too many suppliers will inevitably take up too much of the customer’s time. The number of meetings, reviews and general communication amongst multiple suppliers can really slow your organisation down and lead to inefficient practices.


●      Disparate data

Lots of systems also mean disparate data. Data held in independent systems and team silos means you’ll not be able to access and analyse all the data without a lot of extra effort. You’re also more likely to experience bottlenecks between systems that will waste precious time.

These silos will mean that data is not open and shared among all potential consumers of that data, which could lead to additional manual tasks and checks.


●       Varying service levels

All suppliers have slightly different service levels and your business is only as good as your weakest supplier. This means that there is no point in having a robust solution if one of your suppliers has a service level or quality of service that lets the whole team down. If and when you do experience problems, having suppliers with varying service levels becomes a big problem and issues take a lot longer to get fixed.


●      No cohesive strategy

Without a cohesive strategy, you will suffer from major reliability and efficiency issues. Not only do such issues impact future growth, but they also make your organisation expensive to run. Having too many suppliers will also mean that it will be difficult to refine what you’ve got, because as a collective they may all already be running together as best they can.

Every business is different and will have its own unique processes, which can be a challenge to manage when relying on multiple suppliers.

The ROCC alternative: a consolidated system approach

Fortunately, in order to avoid experiencing all of the above issues, there is a simple solution. When you choose to partner with ROCC, we fulfil the role of multiple suppliers by offering you a multitude of services under one roof.

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At ROCC, we provide you with the following services that would traditionally be procured from multiple suppliers:

●      Repairs and Maintenance Management for Responsive Repairs

●      Works Management for Major, Planned and Cyclical Works

●      Work Planning and Scheduling

●      Mobile Field Service Working

●      Document Storage and Management

●      Graphical Fault Diagnostics

●      Tenant Self Service

●      Contractor Self Service

●      Assets Database

●      Business Wide Dashboarding and Analytics

There’s so much more than this list to what we do but even just covering off these main areas, in some cases, the features could be provided by at least six different suppliers. However, at ROCC, we provide all of them and whats more with our team based in Brighton we have developed these solutions ourselves and not increased our portfolio through acquisitions , so you never have to worry about inefficiencies caused by having disjointed systems and too many suppliers again.

If your housing association is struggling with ever-increasing pressures and looking for the certainty and excellence that experience delivers, then get in touch with a member of our team today. Our consolidated systems approach has you covered.


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