Repair contractors often struggle to efficiently manage all their jobs especially if they work for a number of different housing associations/clients and they might do repair jobs for the general public too. Each customer will use a different housing management system, have different terms & conditions, different rates, different invoicing rules etc. And the contractor themselves will have different agreements for each of the customers they work for. To marry all the jobs up so that contractor operatives are more efficiently utilised whilst providing the best customer experience is a complex task but if done correctly can bring about significant cost savings.  The complexity and challenge is with having disparate systems, poor data, lack of real-time financial control and ineffective storing of information and correspondence.
But it is possible to automate all jobs efficiently, produce real-time performance reports, reduce back office functions and make further cost savings with bulk discounts on materials used enabling contractors to deliver a better, faster and more accurate service.
ROCC Core for Contractors is a specialist repairs and maintenance solution that has a strong and proven track record of seamlessly integrating with multiple housing management systems simultaneously.
Here are a few of the key features of ROCC Core for Contractors:
Digital Integration to Multiple Housing Associations/clients
ROCC Core for Contractors can be simultaneously integrated with multiple systems enabling contractors to easily see all jobs coming in real-time. Once jobs are completed the details are automatically passed back to the relevant customer together with associated invoices.
Job Planning
The system optimises the planning of all jobs enabling work schedules to be automatically calculated and sent to mobile operatives. Skill proficiencies can be set for each operative ensuring the right operative is sent to the right appointment.
End-to-end Job Costing
End-to-end job costing for repairs work will allow you to see detailed costs associated for each job based on a complete list of SOR’s for each job type. The system automatically calculates job lifecycle costs to enable profitability to be forecast and managed.
With a system that tracks and logs all this information organisations can do careful and detailed accounting of each job and analysis to report on overspend. The system will also differentiate between how much was spent with each housing association that the contractor works for based on the terms and conditions agreed with them. This will provide managers with valuable data to decide where cost savings can be made.
Digital integration to trade suppliers
The system can be set up to digitally integrate stores with trade suppliers like Travis Perkins, Jewsons and Wolseley providing a completely paperless method of raising purchase orders, receiving goods, and reconciling invoices and credit notes for materials used for jobs.
Trade suppliers will provide a regular electronic product catalogue that the contractor approves and is then automatically loaded onto the system. The system has 2 key functions; the first being automatic van stock replenishment and the second the ability for the operative to order special or ad-hoc materials over the counter.
Automated van stock replenishment is a function that saves operatives and back office staff resource time. Supervisors should choose for each operative which trade merchant branch is best and on which given day of the week that operative will pick up their stock to replenish their van. The system will issue an electronic order to the trade merchant before the operative arrives so that all materials will be ready for pick up. Once the stock is picked up the system will generate an e-receipt and match it against the job and the trade merchants e-invoice. The system automatically checks for mismatches and alert supervisors to act on any discrepancies.
Operatives can also have the ability to purchase special materials like large items and tools that are not standard van stock. By providing an employee ID no payment should need to be made but purchase limits must be set by supervisors.
Document Management
All types of documents can be linked to jobs, people and properties using the fully integrated document storage and retrieval module. Operatives can upload before and after work photos whilst working on a job. Gas & electric contractors can store certificates. All documents are electronically passed to the correct housing association or client.
Available Anywhere at Anytime
ROCC Core for Contractors is available anywhere, anytime. From the office, on the road supporting flexible and remote workers. Supervisors and managers can have real-time access to the full system when out and about from their pda’s or mobiles.
In addition to these, you can also add on additional modules including:
Dynamic scheduling
The ROCC solution incorporates an easy to use dynamic and smart scheduling module with artificial intelligence that will increase efficiency and remove the need for manual spreadsheets. Further enhanced with route optimisation software to utilise operatives time effectively and reduce fuel.
Comprehensive Business Intelligence & Predictive Analytics
With ROCC Focus, contractors can utilising machine learning and artificial intelligence to make informed decisions and identify new opportunities. Real-time dashboards are fully customisable to show exactly what you need and what other users can see from overview company performance reports to job costings for each housing association/client.
Imaged Based Diagnostics
If a contractor also does domestic repairs for the public then the image based diagnostics module for reporting repairs, ROCC Diagnose can easily be introduced onto websites and contact centres. Using images for reporting repairs is known to dramatically improve ‘Right First Time’ repairs thereby increasing customer satisfaction, improving efficiency and reducing costs with better resourcing. Image based repairs reporting provides a rich experience to customers and contact centre staff. It also removes the language barrier where English is not your customers first.