Tracking and setting up cyclical and compliance work with your regular repairs and maintenance programmes is complex and many organisations manually manage scheduling these jobs using complicated spreadsheets that only one or two individuals understand. When errors are found or a job needs to be altered, complex re-arrangements must be made, delaying the programme and the subsequent missing of KPI’s. Cyclical jobs like gas and electrical servicing are also critical for compliance and need additional information stored against the work and the property like service history and certificates.

Other compliance work is more difficult to schedule. For instance, emergency light tests might be needed every month with a special test every year, negating the need for the monthly test in that month, fire alarm tests might require 6 monthly tests with a yearly test. Similar scheduling is required for PAT testing, asbestos surveys, extractor fan maintenance and smoke detector tests.

ROCC Compliance is an automated system that removes the complexity of managing compliance jobs. The system will free up resource time in back offices and remove the need for complex spreadsheets. The system can also manage other complex work such as cleaning and caretaking. Setting up the system to deal with various property types can be done with ease. For instance, compliance jobs required for a block of flats may be different to those required for a row of terraced housing. The size of each property type can also be taken into account together with the amount of resource time needed for each type of job. The jobs can have a different set of rules applied regarding the frequency of the work tied into any annual visits that are needed. During the job, operatives will have the option to upload certificates, conduct online surveys and add photographs. If additional work is required operatives can raise new jobs or inspections.

ROCC Compliance provides instant and real-time performance information by job type and property type. KPI’s and Compliance targets such as ‘Due Date Completion’, ‘Right First Time’, ‘Average Time Per Job’ and other Costing KPI’s can easily be tracked and reported against by inspectors and managers. Alerts can also set up to show them if targets are starting to fall short so that remedial work can be done to get back on track.  The system also provides the important evidence trail that compliance work has been carried out to statutory requirements and health and safety KPI’s.


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