At ROCC, we’ve been partnering with housing providers for decades, making us one of the most experienced and innovative technology companies focused on the UK housing sector. We are specialists in delivering smart housing solutions that optimise the entire repairs and maintenance process.


However, we are always moving forward, focused on evolving and delivering the best solutions to our partners and utilising cutting-edge technology to tackle the latest challenges facing social landlords and their residents. 


I’m incredibly proud of our latest innovation, ROCC Attend, which was developed in partnership with our strategic advisory board and based on customer feedback, the evolving market requirements and lessons learnt from the existing ROCC Mobile software.


This new field service mobile solution is the first fully scaleable and completely customisable app, levelling the playing field for housing associations of all sizes and budgets and giving total control to expand, modify or completely redevelop and redesign the front end to be exactly what they need – without incurring any costs from ROCC.


It’s been designed to give the power to housing organisations to build whatever they need without having to repeatedly ask suppliers for help.


This next-generation mobile solution will transform the experience for repairs and maintenance operatives, who can access the right information they need in real-time, providing total control for workforces and achieving more First Time Fixes far beyond any previous mobile solution could. 


ROCC Attend allows housing associations to customise every part of the solution, build their own screens, add their own data sources and tailor every element to tackle the particular challenge they face, ensuring the solution works in exactly the way they want to get the best out of their operatives.


We have always been a people-focused business and all of us genuinely care about the end goal of making homes better for all social housing residents. Some housing associations just cannot afford the right software to deliver the best service and that’s where ROCC Attend came from; our desire to give everyone a chance to own market-leading software regardless of their size and budgetary constraints. 


It’s affordable and accessible for all social landlords, with scaleable costs starting from zero for small housing providers, with all enterprise features still available. 


Addressing market needs


We are driven to give power back to housing associations, to do the right thing, to make a positive difference for customers and to be more ethical. ROCC is committed to giving the optimum level of service to its housing customers, regardless of their size.  


Built only for the Cloud, the ROCC Attend solution delivers off-the-shelf forms to manage all compliance works, planned and responsive works, surveying, customer feedback and inspections. Housing associations have the capability, with a completely flexible database and application frontend, to design and deploy whatever forms are required at zero cost.


Forms can be built in-house, rather than requesting a new feature from mobile suppliers and there is no need for delays waiting for the next upgrade. ROCC Attend can be tailored to fit the business needs of housing customers, who still receive gold-standard levels of support and regular new product enhancement upgrades. 


We are developing functionality, and looking at what can be done differently to give wider assistance to operatives and customers. Traditionally, the focus was on operatives to input data, but some information can be automated, such as using geo-fences to automate when travelling and also the proximity of the operative to the resident’s home, taking away unnecessary risks of delay.


ROCC’s vision is the delivery of a plug-and-play, out-of-the-box solution using a low-code platform, integrating seamlessly with any existing housing management, repairs and work scheduling system, including Microsoft Dynamics. 


If issues arise, the mobile app offers field service operatives a platform to communicate with customers or office-based colleagues quickly and efficiently and in real-time. They can send out real-time alerts and updates if any service disruptions occur. In emergencies, this means that the response time for getting critical information to people who need it the most is cut significantly.


What’s the feedback been?


Customer feedback has focused on the intuitive design of the software, which streamlines processes with minimal button pushes. All cautionary information is provided to them as soon as they need to see it, and there are safety features and alarms they can access.


Exciting upcoming features focus on humanising the field service operatives and their usage of software. Too often operatives are treated as resources instead of people and a shift in how these critically important colleagues are motivated, rewarded and recognised is much needed in this market, and our software will play a big part in this.


There is huge flexibility for housing customers with the design of low code forms – feedback forms, electrical surveys, reactive maintenance forms – or any other form required. With ROCC’s new mobile solution, customers can decide what is mandatory on the form and what is not, and where the survey goes. 


Residents feel the benefits of housing feedback forms that capture their concerns, which would be relevant for the complaints process and customer satisfaction surveys. New features also enable real-time schedule-based follow-ons with split-second updates and Right First Time data which can be accessed by residents. 


ROCC’s strategic user group R-SAB had early sight of the new solution in May 24 and feedback was extremely positive. The full public market release is due very soon.


Ronni Patel, Head of Products, ROCC, said: “There’s nothing like ROCC Attend in the market. It’s new, breaks conventions and the architecture has opened eyes as to what can be delivered with that solution. 


“Traditional mobile solutions have been in play for a long time now and not very much has changed. We identified a need for a rethink and a completely new way of customer enablement and empowerment. Putting full control in the hands of our customers gives them complete flexibility over how they deploy the solution and how they evolve it as their needs change.”


“Having seen the frustrations and challenges of existing mobile solutions in this market for many years, we feel this year is the right time to launch our new mobile solution, using the latest cutting-edge technology to provide a more affordable and useful solution for social landlords and their residents.” 


Do you want to find out more about ROCC Attend and how this new, innovative field service mobile solution could revolutionise your business? If so, then get in touch with our customer success team today for information.


Written by Peter Luck, Business and Operations Director, ROCC.


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