No matter the organisation or sector you work in, internal emails can be a real nuisance and a massive drain on resources. It’s estimated that the average employee spends approximately 40% of their working week dealing with internal emails, which mostly add no value to the business.


More worryingly, 38% of workers said that ‘email fatigue’ caused by a bursting email inbox is likely to push them to quit their jobs.


Quite clearly this is unsustainable for businesses, and housing associations are no different. Housing associations across the country are drowning in emails, whether they’re being received from tenants, third parties, contractors, or internal staff. But what can be done to tackle this growing issue?


Reducing internal emails with ROCC housing software


If you’re looking for a quick-fix solution to reducing your internal emails between staff, then ROCC’s multi-functional social housing repairs and maintenance software suite has you covered. By using our system, you will be able to cut down on the number of emails your staff receive at your housing association – enabling a more efficient and productive process.


With the help of our system, the need for sending constant emails is removed, as our software auto-triggers response and planned maintenance actions that need to be addressed and fully automates the process.


This means that you can eradicate the time-consuming process of constantly sending emails back and forth. 


Thanks to the software’s central user hub, all the information that’s needed is contained in one place and all actions that need to be taken are processed autonomously. As a result, you will be able to say goodbye to getting constant requests landing in your inbox and remove the risk of important emails getting lost.


From original requests through to satisfactory completion, a more streamlined process that limits internal emails will help to reduce operational costs and allow your staff to prioritise their workload better.


Additionally, every user utilising the ROCC system has their own custom dashboard provided to monitor the flow of work through the organisation and clearly show where action needs to be taken. Staff do not need to ask what is happening with work anymore, and they don’t need to email asking about performance figures, where a certain task is, or who is doing what. All of this is visible in one simple-to-use screen. 


“All of us are drowning in a sea of emails, but housing workers especially are under such enormous pressure now the distraction of a loaded email inbox needs to be tackled. This is where software providers like ROCC can really make a positive difference in improving the working lives of housing professionals. 


“Our software has long been praised for how it significantly improves tenant satisfaction, but equally both back office and field service staff at housing organisations using ROCC have responded that they are more satisfied in their work since ROCC was implemented. 


“Automating as many tasks as possible and leaving people to deal with only the serious exceptions, plus utilising systems that are joined up and provide information proactively so people don’t have to email colleagues to ask questions, are two key ways we can make a significant difference,” Pete Luck, Business and Operations Director, ROCC. 


Read more about our market-leading software here. Or, alternatively, get in touch with a member of our team today to see how we can solve your housing maintenance software solution needs.


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    Over 1,000,000 properties are maintained with ROCC Housing Maintenance and Repairs software.

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