We are
ROCC Computers Limited. Registered in England & Wales. Company No: 2691706. Registered Office: Stanford Gate, South Road, Brighton, East Sussex BN1 6SB. VAT Registration No. 209 9698 12
Trade Marks
The ROCC Computers logo is a registered trade mark of ROCC Computers Limited under the Trade Mark Act 1994 and registered under no. 2214615.
Terms of Use
This website (“the Site”) is owned and published by ROCC Computers Limited (“the Company”). Use of the Site is subject to these terms of use (“Terms”) and to the laws of England and Wales.
By visiting the Site (“Use”) all entities (“Users”) are deemed to accept the Terms, which may be varied by the Company from time to time without notice and republished on this page.
These Terms only govern your Use of this Site.
Use of the Site creates no legal relationships between Users and the Company other than as specified herein. Whilst the Company aims to maintain the Site to a reasonable standard, errors, omissions and service interruptions may occur and the Company accepts no ongoing obligation or responsibility to operate the Site. Neither the Company nor any of its employees gives any representation or warranty as to the accuracy, veracity, completeness or reliability of any information on the Site nor as to the fitness of the Site for any particular purpose nor as to the safety, fitness for purpose or quality of products or services offered by other organisations whose websites can be visited via the Site.
It is the responsibility of Users to independently verify information obtained from or via the Site. In no circumstances shall the Company or any of its employees be liable for any losses or damages suffered as a result of Use of the Site.
All content on the Site including all imagery and text is protected by copyright and may not be reproduced or appropriated other than as allowed by law in whole or in part in any form or via any medium without advance permission in writing from the Company. Should the Company’s intellectual property rights be violated, it reserves the right to pursue whatever actions may be necessary to prevent ongoing violation and to recover costs and damages through legal proceedings.
Use of the Company’s Trade Marks or of substantively similar names or phrases including registering them as domain names is prohibited by law. Other Trade Marks referred to on the Site are acknowledged as belonging to their respective owners.