Are you prepared for disaster?

When thinking of disaster, most people say, ‘that will never happen to my organisation’, but unfortunately it does, as risk does not disappear, even when moving to the cloud. As more and more businesses opt for the more secure cloud-based solutions, traditional disaster recovery plans become outdated. Uptime of your systems is important, and you want to ensure maximum availability for your services. This can mean having the resource capacity to recover affected systems, ensuring security and protection in the event of an outage and the ability to restore the affected infrastructure.

Examples of disaster can be systems failure, unexpected loss of data, network outage as well as other external threats. As an organisation with thousands of customers relying on your services, this is not a risk you should be taking. Even with traditional disaster recovery plans, this is still not enough for most social housing organisations, as data and uptime are valuable, and whereas up to a day of downtime may not have a substantial effect on a small business it can cause huge ripples for organisations where the welfare of their customers is paramount. Traditional onsite or physical backup methods can be the bare minimum, but you would be looking at potentially hours if not days of data recovery. Using highly available cloud solutions, we can have you back up and running within two hours.

With ROCC’s disaster recovery services, the responsibility is taken off your shoulders and managed by experts. We can ensure that you are be back to business as usual as soon as possible without major losses, either data or financial. ROCC can help you minimise the impact of disasters by providing you with a reliable disaster recovery solution and cut down the need for unnecessary hardware and secondary data centres. We offer flexible recovery options, daily customer support, regular managed testing and much more. The question is, “Can your organisation continue to run seamlessly during or just after a disaster?” If your answer is no, or you’d like to find out more about our DRaaS, get in touch with us at


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